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BASIC Source File
167 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "BlockCode"
Public Blcks1(3) As Block
Public Blcks2(3) As Block
Public rcts1(3) As RECT
Public rcts2(3) As RECT
Public Sub InitBlocks()
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks1)
Set Blcks1(i) = New Block
Blcks1(i).Create 305, 123 + (i * 31), 2, 1
Next i
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks2)
Set Blcks2(i) = New Block
Blcks2(i).Create 321, 123 + (i * 31), 2, 2
Next i
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks1)
With rcts1(i)
.Top = Blcks1(i).y
.Left = Blcks1(i).x
.Bottom = Blcks1(i).y + 30
.Right = Blcks1(i).x + 15
End With
Next i
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks2)
With rcts2(i)
.Top = Blcks2(i).y
.Left = Blcks2(i).x
.Bottom = Blcks2(i).y + 30
.Right = Blcks2(i).x + 15
End With
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub BlitBlocks()
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks1)
If Blcks1(i).bBActive Then Blcks1(i).Blit myScreen.m_lpDDSBack
Next i
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks2)
If Blcks2(i).bBActive Then Blcks2(i).Blit myScreen.m_lpDDSBack
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub BlockCollisions()
Dim rball1 As RECT, rball2 As RECT, dr As RECT
With rball1
.Top = myBall1.y
.Left = myBall1.x
.Bottom = myBall1.y + 9
.Right = myBall1.x + 9
End With
With rball2
.Top = myBall2.y
.Left = myBall2.x
.Bottom = myBall2.y + 9
.Right = myBall2.x + 9
End With
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks1)
If Blcks1(i).bBActive Then
If IntersectRect(dr, rball1, rcts1(i)) Then
If dr.Right - dr.Left > dr.Bottom - dr.Top Then
myBall1.yvel = -myBall1.yvel
myBall1.xvel = -myBall1.xvel
End If
Blcks1(i).strength = Blcks1(i).strength - 1
If Blcks1(i).strength < 0 Then Blcks1(i).bBActive = False
End If
If IntersectRect(dr, rball2, rcts1(i)) Then
If dr.Right - dr.Left > dr.Bottom - dr.Top Then
myBall2.yvel = -myBall2.yvel
myBall2.xvel = -myBall2.xvel
End If
Blcks1(i).strength = Blcks1(i).strength - 1
If Blcks1(i).strength < 0 Then Blcks1(i).bBActive = False
End If
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks2)
If Blcks2(i).bBActive Then
If IntersectRect(dr, rball1, rcts2(i)) Then
If dr.Top - rcts2(i).Top > 0 Then
myBall1.yvel = -myBall1.yvel
End If
If dr.Bottom - rcts2(i).Bottom > 0 Then
myBall1.yvel = -myBall1.yvel
End If
If dr.Left - rcts2(i).Left > 0 Then
myBall1.xvel = -myBall1.xvel
End If
If dr.Right - rcts2(i).Right > 0 Then
myBall1.xvel = -myBall1.xvel
End If
Blcks2(i).strength = Blcks2(i).strength - 1
If Blcks2(i).strength < 0 Then Blcks2(i).bBActive = False
End If
If IntersectRect(dr, rball2, rcts2(i)) Then
If dr.Top - rcts2(i).Top > 0 Then
myBall2.yvel = -myBall2.yvel
End If
If dr.Bottom - rcts2(i).Bottom > 0 Then
myBall2.yvel = -myBall2.yvel
End If
If dr.Left - rcts2(i).Left > 0 Then
myBall2.xvel = -myBall2.xvel
End If
If dr.Right - rcts2(i).Right > 0 Then
myBall2.xvel = -myBall2.xvel
End If
Blcks2(i).strength = Blcks2(i).strength - 1
If Blcks2(i).strength < 0 Then Blcks2(i).bBActive = False
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Function RedBlocksRemaining() As Integer
Dim n As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks2)
If Blcks2(i).bBActive Then n = n + 1
Next i
RedBlocksRemaining = n
End Function
Public Function GreenBlocksRemaining() As Integer
Dim n As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks1)
If Blcks1(i).bBActive Then n = n + 1
Next i
GreenBlocksRemaining = n
End Function
Public Sub RestoreGreenBlock()
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks1)
If Blcks1(i).bBActive = False Then
Blcks1(i).bBActive = True
Blcks1(i).strength = 2
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub RestoreRedBlock()
For i = 0 To UBound(Blcks2)
If Blcks2(i).bBActive = False Then
Blcks2(i).bBActive = True
Blcks2(i).strength = 2
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Sub